Kaigui Bian

Associate Professor, Associate Director, Institute of Data Science and Engineering
Executive Director, AI Innovation Center
Assistant Dean, School of Computer Science
Peking University

Email: bkg AT pku DOT edu DOT cn

Kaigui Bian received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2011, and his B.S. degree in Computer Science from Peking University, Beijing, China in 2005. His Ph.D. advisor is Prof. Jerry Park. He was a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research Asia in 2013. He is a fellow of IET, a senior member of IEEE, and a member of ACM and CCF.

He received best paper awards of international conferences (IEEE ICC 2015, ICCSE 2017, BIGCOM 2018, Best Student Paper Award of IEEE DSC 2018, 2019 Best Conference Paper Award of the Technical Committee on Big Data (TCBD) of IEEE Communications Society, IEEE WCNC 2020). He was awarded the Peking University Teaching Excellence Award in 2014, and the Tsang Hin-chi Teaching Excellence Award in 2017. He received the CCF-Intel Young Faculty Research Award in 2014. He was the recipient of IEEE Communication Society Asia-Pacific Board (APB) Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2018. He was a co-recipient (4/6) of the First Prize of Natural Science of Ministry of Education of P. R. China in 2017. He was a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) invitational fellow in 2019. He is an IEEE Communication Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2020-2021.

He serves as an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He serves as the wireless networking symposium co-chair for IEEE/CIC ICCC 2019, the publicity chair for ACM/IWQoS 2019, the organizing committee member for SAGT 2018, the publication chair for IEEE DSC 2018, and he was on technical program committee of many international conferences.

Research Interests: smart networking system, wireless networking, mobile computing, network security

Teaching: Computer network


Kaigui has published at journals such as JSAC, TMC, ToN, TWC, Network, IoT-J, TVT, TCCN, and at conferences such as MobiCom, INFOCOM, CCS, MobiHoc, IMC, IJCAI, ICCV, CIKM, AAAI, ECCV, etc.
His publication has received more than 5000 citations on Google Scholar.


  1. K. Bian, J. Park, and B. Gao, ''Cognitive Radio Networks: Medium Access Control for Coexistence of Wireless Systems," Springer, 2014, print ISBN: 978-3-319-07328-6, online ISBN: 978-3-319-07329-3; available at: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-07329-3

Book Chapters

  1. K. Bian, J. Park. ''Coexistence of Heterogeneous Cellular Networks," in Handbook of Cognitive Radio, W. Zhang (Ed), Springer, 2017. ISBN: 978-981-10-1389-8. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-981-10-1389-8_32-1
  2. J. Park, and K. Bian, ''Security of Cognitive Radios," in Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (2nd Ed.), Henk C.A. van Tilborg, and Sushil Jajodia (Eds.), Springer, 2010.
  3. J. Park, K. Bian, and R. Chen, ''Cognitive Radio Network Security," in Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks: Principles and Practice, A. Wyglinski, M. Nekovee, and T. Hou (Eds.), Academic Press/Elsevier, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-12-374715-0.

Journal Papers

  1. Qiao, Pengpeng; Zhang, Zhiwei; Li, Zhetao; Zhang, Yuanxing; Bian, Kaigui; Li, Yanzhou; Wang, Guoren: TAG: Joint Triple-hierarchical Attention and GCN for Review-based Social Recommender System. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) accepted
  2. H. Zhang, B. Di, K. Bian, Z. Han, H. V. Poor, and L. Song: Towards Ubiquitous Sensing and Localization With Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces. Proceedings of the IEEE (PIEEE) accepted
  3. J. Gao, Z. Hu, K. Bian, X. Mao, L. Song: AQ360: UAV-Aided Air Quality Monitoring by 360-Degree Aerial Panoramic Images in Urban Areas. IEEE Internet Things J. (IoT-J) 8(1): 428-442 (2021)
  4. H. Zhang, H. Zhang, B. Di, K. Bian, Z. Han, L. Song: Towards Ubiquitous Positioning by Leveraging Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface. IEEE Commun. Lett. (IEEE CommL) 25(1): 284-288 (2021)
  5. J. Hu, H. Zhang, K. Bian, M. Renzo, Z. Han, L. Song: MetaSensing: Intelligent Metasurface Assisted RF 3D Sensing by Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. (IEEE JSAC) 39(7): 2182-2197 (2021)
  6. Y. Zhang, Y. Guan, K. Bian, Y. Liu, H. Tuo, L. Song, X. Li: EPASS360: QoE-Aware 360-Degree Video Streaming Over Mobile Devices. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. (IEEE TMC) 20(7): 2338-2353 (2021)
  7. S. Wu, Y. Zhang, W. Zhang, K. Bian, B. Cui: Enhanced review-based rating prediction by exploiting aside information and user influence. Knowl. Based Syst. 222: 107015 (2021)
  8. P. Zhou, Q. Yan, K. Wang, M. Hu, S. Ji, K. Bian. Jamsa: A Utility Optimal Contextual Online Learning Framework for Anti-jamming Wireless Scheduling Under Reactive Jamming Attack. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (IEEE TNSE), Vol. 7(3):1862--1878, July-Sept. 2020.
  9. P. Wang, B. Di, H. Zhang, K. Bian, L. Song. Platoon Cooperation in Cellular V2X Networks for 5G and Beyond. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IEEE TWC), Vol. 18(8):3919--3932, August 2019.
  10. V. Kumar, H. Li, J. Park, K. Bian. Crowd-sourced Authentication for Enforcement in Dynamic Spectrum Sharing. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (IEEE TCCN), Vol. 5(3):625--636, Sept. 2019.
  11. K. Wang, L. Chen, K. Bian, W. Wang, P. Zhou. On Cooperative Channel Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Access, Volume: 7, Page(s): 57500 - 57515, 2019.
  12. M. Tong, Y. Tao, Y. Zhang, K. Bian, W. Yan. Trajectory-based User Encounter Prediction over Wireless Sensor Networks. Springer Wireless Personal Communications (Springer WIRE), Issue 4, 2019.
  13. K. Bian, C. Gao, Y. Tao, Y. Zhang, L. Song, S. Dong, X. Li. Learning at the Edge: Smart Content Delivery in Real World Mobile Social Networks. IEEE Network, Vol. 33(4):208--215, July/August 2019. "移动社交网络边缘智能内容分发"
  14. H. Zhang, B. Di, K. Bian, L. Song. IoT-U: Cellular Internet-of-Things Networks over Unlicensed Spectrum. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IEEE TWC), Volume: 18 , Issue: 5 , May 2019.
  15. K. Wang, L. Chen, K. Bian, X. Ge, W. Chen, Q. Ai. Multi-radio Channel Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks. IET Communications (IET COM), Volume: 13 , Issue: 10 , 6 25 2019.
  16. Z. Hu, Z. Bai, K. Bian, T. Wang, L. Song. Real-Time Fine-Grained Air Quality Sensing Networks in Smart City: Design, Implementation and Optimization. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume: 6 , Issue: 5 , Oct. 2019.
  17. Z. Hu, Z. Bai, Y. Yang, Z. Zheng, K. Bian, L. Song. UAV Aided Aerial-Ground IoT for Air Quality Sensing in Smart City: Architecture, Technologies and Implementation. IEEE Network, Volume: 33 , Issue: 2 , March/April 2019. "无人机结合地面传感器网络监测空气质量系统"
  18. F. Dang, E. Zhai, Z. Li, P. Zhou, A. Mohaisen, K. Bian, Q. Wen, M. Li. Pricing Data Tampering in Automated Fare Collection with NFC-equipped Smartphones. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Volume: 18 , Issue: 5 , May 1 2019.
  19. P. Wang, B. Di, H. Zhang, K. Bian, L. Song. Cellular V2X Communications in Unlicensed Spectrum: Harmonious Coexistence with VANET in 5G systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IEEE TWC), Vol. 17(8):5212--5224, August 2018.
  20. L. Chen, R. Fan, Y. Zhang, S. Shi, K. Bian, L. Chen, P. Zhou, M. Gerla, T. Wang, X. Li. On Heterogeneous Duty Cycles for Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOC), Vol. 77:54--68, August 2018.
  21. J. Hu, B. Di, Y. Liao, K. Bian, L. Song. Hybrid MAC Protocol Design and Optimization for Full Duplex Wi-Fi Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IEEE TWC), Vol. 17(6):3615--3630, March 2018.
  22. Y. Zhang, Z. Li, C. Gao, K. Bian, L. Song, S. Dong, X. Li. Mobile Social Big Data: WeChat Moments Dataset, Network Applications, and Opportunities. IEEE Network, Vol. 32(3):146--153, May--June 2018. "移动社交网络大数据分析在计算机网络中的应用" WeChatNet 微信朋友圈转发数据集
  23. K. Bian, G. Zhang, L. Song. Towards Secure Crowd Sensing in Vehicle-to-everything Networks. IEEE Network, Vol. 32(2):126--131, March-April 2018. "车辆网络中视觉惯性众包感知的安全问题"
  24. P. Gong, J. Xue, P. Qian, H. Yang, X. Liu, L. Cai, K. Bian, Z. Yang. Scalp-recorded high-frequency oscillations in childhood epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike-and-wave during sleep with different etiologies. Brain and Development, Vol. 40(4):299--310, April 2018.
  25. Y. Yang, Z. Zheng, K. Bian, L. Song, Z. Han. Realtime Profiling of Fine-Grained Air Quality Index Distribution using UAV Sensing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 5(1):186--198, Feb. 2018. "基于神经网络的无人机测雾霾的移动感知系统"
  26. S. Zhang, H. Zheng, Q. He, K. Bian, L. Song. Power and Trajectory Optimization for UAV Relay Networks. IEEE Communications Letters (IEEE CommL), Vol. 22(1):161--164, Jan. 2018.
  27. Y. Zhang, Z. Li. C. Gao, K. Bian, Z. Yang, X. Li. Modeling Geo Homopholy in Online Social Networks for Population Distribution Projection. International Journal of Crowd Science, accepted for publication. Vol. 1(3):249--269, August 2017. "微信朋友圈数据预测线下人群移动"
  28. X. Zhou, H. Hong, X. Xing, K. Bian, K. Xie, M. Xu. Discovering spatio-temporal dependencies based on time-lag in intelligent transportation data. Neurocomputing, Vol. 259(11):76--84, October 2017.
  29. V. Kumar, J. Park, K. Bian. Transmitter Authentication Using Hierarchical Modulation in Dynamic Spectrum Sharing. Elsevier Journal of Networking and Computer Applications (JNCA), Vol. 91(1):52--60, August 2017.
  30. P. Zhao, K. Bian, T. Zhao, X. Song, J. Park, X. Li, F. Ye, W. Yan. Understanding Smartphone Sensor and App Data for Enhancing the Security of Secret Questions. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Vol. 16(2):552--565, February 2017. "利用手机感知数据设计密码找回问题"
  31. P. Zhou, W. Wei, K. Bian, D. Wu, Y. Hu, Q. Wang. Private and Truthful Aggregative Game for Large-Scale Spectrum Sharing. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IEEE JSAC), Vol. 35(2):463-477, January 2017.
  32. X. Zhou, X. Xing, L. Han, H. Hong, K. Bian, K. Xie. Structure Feature Learning method for Incomplete Data. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), Vol. 30(9), November 2016.
  33. L. Chen, K. Bian, M. Zheng. From Single- to Multi-channel Neighbor Discovery for Mobile Sensing Applications. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (IEEE/ACM ToN), Vol. 24(5):3148--3161, October 2016.
  34. S. Bhattarai, J. Park, B. Gao, K. Bian, L. William. An Overview of Dynamic Spectrum Sharing: Ongoing Initiatives, Challenges, and a Roadmap for Future Research. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (IEEE TCCN), Vol. 2(2):110--128, June 2016.
  35. L. Chen, K. Bian. Neighbor Discovery in Mobile Sensing Applications: A Comprehensive Survey. Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOC), Vol. 48(15):38--52, September 2016.
  36. G. Li, Y. Zhao, K. Bian. Efficient User Association in Cellular Networks with Hybrid Cognitive Radio Relays, IEEE Communications Letters (IEEE CommL), Vol. 20(7):1413--1416, July 2016.
  37. V. Kumar, J. Park, K. Bian. PHY-Layer Authentication Using Duobinary Signaling for Spectrum Enforcement, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. (IEEE T-IFS), Vol. 11(5):1027--1038, May 2016.
  38. R. Gao, M. Zhao, T. Ye, F. Ye, G. Luo, K. Bian, Y. Wang, T. Wang, X. Li. Multi-story Indoor Floor Plan Reconstruction via Mobile Crowdsensing. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Vol. 15(6):1427--1442, April 2016. "众包式手机拍照进行室内地图重构"
  39. L. Song, Y. Liao, K. Bian, L. Song, Z. Han. Cross-Layer Protocol Design for CSMA/CD in Full-Duplex WiFi Networks, IEEE Communications Letters (IEEE CommL), Vol. 20(4):792--795, April 2016.
  40. R. Gao, Y. Tian, F. Ye, G. Luo, K. Bian, Y. Wang, T. Wang, X. Li. Sextant: Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Localization Service by Photo-taking of the Environment, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Vol. 15(2):460--474, February 2016. "通过手机拍照进行室内定位"
  41. L. Chen, K. Bian. The Telephone Coordination Game Revisited: From Random to Deterministic Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Computers (IEEE TC), Vol. 64(10):2968--2980, October 2015.
  42. Y. Liao, K. Bian, L. Song, Z. Han. Full-duplex MAC Protocol Design and Analysis, IEEE Communications Letters (IEEE CommL), Vol. 19(7):1185--1188, July 2015.
  43. L. Chen, K. Bian, X. Du, and X. Li. Multi-channel Broadcast via Channel Hopping in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IEEE TVT), Vol. 64(7):3004--3017, July 2015.
  44. K. Bian, J. Park, L. Chen, and X. Li. Addressing the Hidden Terminal Problem for Heterogeneous Coexistence between TDM and CSMA Networks in White Space, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IEEE TVT), Vol. 63(9):4450--4463, November 2014.
  45. A. Huang, C. Chen, K. Bian, X. Duan, M. Chen, H. Gao, C. Meng, Q. Zheng, Y. Zhang, B. Jiao, and L. Xie. WE-CARE: An Intelligent Mobile Telecardiology System to Enable mHealth Applications, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine (IEEE TITB or JBHI), Vol. 18(2):693--702, March 2014.
  46. K. Bian, J. Park, X. Du, and X. Li. Enabling Fair Spectrum Sharing: Mitigating Selfish Misbehaviors in Spectrum Contention, IEEE Network, Vol. 27(3):16--21, May-June 2013.
  47. K. Bian, and J. Park. Maximizing Rendezvous Diversity in Rendezvous Protocols for Decentralized Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TMC), Vol. 12(7):1294--1307, July 2013.
  48. R. Chen, J. Park, and K. Bian. Robustness against Byzantine Failures in Distributed Spectrum Sensing, Elsevier Computer Communications, (COMCOM), Vol. 35(17):2115--2124, October 2012.
  49. K. Bian, J. Park and R. Chen. Control Channel Establishment in Cognitive Radio Networks using Channel Hopping, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IEEE JSAC), Vol. 29(4):689--703, April 2011.

Selected Conference Publications (Complete List)

  1. Yunze Luo, Yuezihan Jiang, Yinjie Jiang, Gaode Chen, Wang Jingchi, Kaigui Bian, Peiyi Li, Qi Zhang: Online Item Cold-Start Recommendation with Popularity-Aware Meta-Learning, ACM SIGKDD 2025.
  2. Yanbo Chen, Yan Yu, Haimo Zhang, Ting Lyu and Can Wang, Lindsay Wang, Yuejia Zhang, Kaigui Bian, Hong Li. DyStore: Dynamic Item Location Encoding and Navigation for Smart Locker Systems. IEEE GCAIoT 2024. Best Paper Award in the IoT and AI Applications for Sustainability Track
  3. Yuezihan Jiang, Gaode Chen, Wenhan Zhang, Jingchi Wang, Yinjie Jiang, Qi Zhang, Jingjian Lin, Peng Jiang and Kaigui Bian: Prompt Tuning for Item Cold-start Recommendation, ACM RecSys 2024.
  4. Zijian Song, Wenhan Zhang, Lifang Deng, Jiandong Zhang, Kaigui Bian and Bin Cui: MultiLoRA: Multi-Directional Low Rank Adaptation for Multi-Domain Recommendation, ACM CIKM 2024.
  5. Zijian Song, WenHan Zhang, LIFANG DENG, Jian Dong Zhang, Wu Zhihua, Kaigui Bian, Bin Cui: Mitigating Negative Transfer in Cross-Domain Recommendation via Knowledge Transferability Enhancement, ACM SIGKDD 2024.
  6. Xu Xie, Jin Niu, Lifang Deng, Dan Wang, Jiandong Zhang, Zhihua Wu, Kaigui Bian, Gang Cao, Bin Cu: Hierarchical Interest Modeling of Long-tailed Users for Click-Through Rate Prediction, IEEE ICDE 2023.
  7. H. Zhang, J. Zhang, W. Feng, K. Bian, H. Tuo: Edge-FVV: Free Viewpoint Video Streaming by Learning at the Edge, IEEE ICME 2023.
  8. C. Gao, F. Zhang, Y. Zhou, R. Feng, Q. Ru, K. Bian, R. He, Z. Sun: Applying Deep Learning Based Probabilistic Forecasting to Food Preparation Time for On-Demand Delivery Service, ACM SIGKDD 2022.
  9. D. Ran, W. Zheng, Y. Li, K. Bian, J. Zhang, X. Deng: Revenue and User Traffic Maximizationin in Mobile Short-Video Advertising. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2022. .
  10. C. Yang, Q. Wang, M. Xu, Z. Chen, K. Bian, Y. Liu, X. Liu: Characterizing Impacts of Heterogeneity in Federated Learning upon Large-Scale Smartphone Data. WWW 2021: 935-946
  11. P. Zhao, K. Xiao, Y. Zhang, K. Bian, W. Yan: AMEIR: Automatic Behavior Modeling, Interaction Exploration and MLP Investigation in the Recommender System. IJCAI 2021:2104-2110
  12. Y. Guan, P. Zhao, B. Wang, Y. Zhang, C. Yao, K. Bian, J. Tang. Differentiable Feature Aggregation Search for Knowledge Distillation. ECCV 2020.
  13. P. Zhao, T. Shui, Y. Zhang, K. Bian, Adversarial Oracular Seq2seq Learning for Sequential Recommendation. IJCAI 2020.
  14. Z. Hu, T. Song, K. Bian, L. Song. Deep Reinforcement Learning based Indoor Air Quality Sensing by Cooperative Mobile Robots. IEEE WCNC 2020. Best Paper Award of MAC and Cross-layer Design Track
  15. Yushuo Guan, Yuanxing Zhang, Bingxuan Wang, Kaigui Bian, Xiaoliang Xiong, Lingyang Song. PERM: Neural Adaptive Video Streaming with Multi-path Transmission. IEEE INFOCOM 2020. 视频多路传输
  16. Yinjie Zhang, Yuanxing Zhang, Yi Wu, Yu Tao, Kaigui Bian, Pan Zhou, Lingyang Song, Hu Tuo. Improving Quality of Experience by Adaptive Video Streaming with Super-Resolution. IEEE INFOCOM 2020. 视频传输中超分辨率重建
  17. P. Zhao, A. You, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, K. Bian, Y. Tong. Spherical Criteria for Fast and Accurate 360° Object Detection. AAAI 2020. 360视频/图片内物体标注检测方法
  18. Z. Li, P. Qiao, Y. Zhang, K. Bian. Adversarial Learning of Transitive Semantic Features for Cross-Domain Recommendation. IEEE GlobeCom 2019. "跨域推荐系统" 2019 Best Conference Paper Award of the Technical Committee on Big Data (TCBD), IEEE Communications Society
  19. J. Xiao, Y. Zhang, P. Zhao, K. Xiao, K. Bian, C. Zhang, W. Yan. Multi-view Moments Embedding Network for 3D Shape Recognition. ACM CIKM 2019.
  20. M. Yang, Y. Guan, M. Liao, X. He, K. Bian, S. Bai, C. Yao, X. Bai. Symmetry-constrained Rectification Network for Scene Text Recognition. IEEE ICCV 2019. 图片里文字识别
  21. T. Liu, Z. Zheng, H. Li, K. Bian, L. Song. Playing Card-based RTS Games with Deep Reinforcement Learning. IJCAI 2019.. 强化学习应用于卡牌游戏皇室战争
  22. Y. Yang, Z. Hu, K. Bian, L. Song. ImgSensingNet: UAV Vision Guided Aerial-Ground Air Quality Sensing System. IEEE INFOCOM 2019. 传感器网络结合无人机视觉系统检测空气质量
  23. Y. Zhang, P. Zhao, K. Bian, Y. Liu, L. Song, X. Li. DRL360: 360-degree Video Streaming with Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE INFOCOM 2019. 强化学习预测全景视频中用户视点轨迹
  24. Y. Zhang, K. Bian, H. Tuo, B. Cui, L. Song, X. Li. Geo-Edge: Geographical Resource Allocation on Edge Caches for Video-on-Demand Streaming. BIGCOM 2018. 视频网络边缘cache内容推送 Best Paper Award
  25. Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, K. Bian, X. Li. Towards Reading Comprehension for Long Documents. IJCAI 2018. 机器长文本阅读理解
  26. Y. Zhang, K. Bian, L. Chen, S. Dong, L. Sng, X. Li. Early Detection of Rumors in Heterogeneous Mobile Social Network. IEEE DSC 2018. 微信朋友圈谣言检测 Best Student Paper Award
  27. Y. Zhang, Y. Guo, C. Gao, K. Bian, X. Jin, Z. Yang, L. Song, J. Cheng, H. Tuo, X. Li. Proactive Video Push for Optimizing Bandwidth Consumption in Hybrid CDN-P2P VoD Systems. IEEE INFOCOM 2018. "智能视频网络:基于神经网络的混合CDN网络视频流推送" Proactive-Push 技术已部署于爱奇艺tracker server
  28. Y. Zhang, Z. Li, K. Bian, Y. Bai, Z. Yang, X. Li. Population Distribution Projection by Modeling Geo Homophily in Online Social Networks. The 2nd International Conference on Crowd Science and Engineering (ICCSE 2017). "微信朋友圈数据预测线下人群移动" Best Paper Award
  29. V. Kumar, H. Li, J. Park, K. Bian, Y. Yang. Group Signatures with Probabilistic Revocation: A Computationally-Scalable Approach for Providing Privacy-Preserving Authentication. ACM CCS 2015.
  30. H. Li, X. Liu, T. Xie, K. Bian, X. Lu, F. X. Lin, Q. Mei, F. Feng. Characterizing Smartphone Usage Patterns from Millions of Android Users. ACM IMC 2015. "Android应用市场用户行为数据分析"
  31. Y. Liao, T. Wang, K. Bian, L. Song, Z. Han. Decentralized Dynamic Spectrum Access in Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE ICC 2015. Best Paper Award of Cognitive Radio Symposium.
  32. L. Chen, R. Fan, K. Bian, L. Chen, M. Gerla, T. Wang, and X. Li. On Heterogeneous Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE INFOCOM 2015.
  33. Y. Tian, K. Bian, G. Shen, X. Liu, X. Li, and T. Moscibroda. Contextual-Code: Simplifying Information Pulling from Targeted Sources in Physical World, IEEE INFOCOM 2015. "用环境信息取代二维码"
  34. V. Kumar, J. Park, and K. Bian. Blind Transmitter Authentication for Spectrum Security and Enforcement, ACM CCS 2014.
  35. W. Hu, J. Mao, Z. Huang, Y. Xue, J. She, K. Bian, and G. Shen. Strata: Layered Coding for Scalable Visual Communications, ACM MobiCom 2014. "远、近都能扫出来的二维码"
  36. R. Gao, M. Zhao, T. Ye, F. Ye, Y. Wang, K. Bian, T. Wang, and X. Li. Jigsaw: Indoor Floor Plan Reconstruction via Mobile Crowdsensing, ACM MobiCom 2014. "通过手机拍照进行室内地图重构"
  37. L. Chen, K. Bian, and M. Zheng. Heterogeneous Multi-channel Neighbor Discovery for Mobile Sensing Applications: Theoretical Foundation and Protocol Design, ACM MobiHoc 2014.
  38. L. Chen, K. Bian, L. Chen, C. Liu, J. Park, and X. Li. A Group-theoretic Framework for Rendezvous in Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks, ACM MobiHoc 2014.
  39. Y. Tian, R. Gao, K. Bian, F. Ye, T. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Li. Towards Ubiquitous Indoor Localization Service Leveraging Environmental Physical Features, IEEE INFOCOM 2014. "通过手机拍三张照片进行室内定位"
  40. K. Bian and J. Park, Asynchronous Channel Hopping for Establishing Rendezvous in Cognitive Radio Networks, in Proc. of the 30th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, (IEEE INFOCOM 2011), Mini-conference, Shanghai, China, April 2011.
  41. K. Bian, J. Park, and R. Chen, A Quorum-based Framework for Establishing Control Channels in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, in Proc. of the 15th ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2009), Beijing, China, September 2009.
  42. R. Chen, J. Park and K. Bian, Robust Distributed Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks, in Proc. of the 27th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, (IEEE INFOCOM 2008), Mini-conference, Phoenix, USA, April 2008.

Competition Award

  1. Z. Hu, S. Zhang, Z. Bai, K. Bian, L. Song. AirScope: An Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System with Distributed Multi-Robots. IEEE ComSoc Student Competition'19 First Prize (ranked No.2), 2019.
  2. S. Long, Y. Guan, B. Wang, K. Bian, C. Yao. 2019 ICDAR Robust Reading Challenge on Arbitrary-Shaped Text. First Prize (ranked No.1), 2019.
  3. Y. Yang, Z. Hu, Z. Zheng, K. Bian, L. Song. ARMS: Real-Time Profiling of Fine-Grained Air Quality Index Distribution using UAV Sensing. IEEE ComSoc Student Competition'17 First Prize, Best Project (No.1 out of 23 finalists), 2017.